Virtual Color Consultation: Swatch-by-Swatch Analysis
An online service to help you discover your personal color harmony, and your seasonal connection to nature. After providing me with requested photos, completed questionnaire and participating in a 30 -minute zoom session you will receive a personalized swatch-by-swatch palette suitable for framing plus a matching shopping fan , color palette notes, a nature collage and a seasonal style direction guide.
An online service to help you discover your personal color harmony, and your seasonal connection to nature. After providing me with requested photos, completed questionnaire and participating in a 30 -minute zoom session you will receive a personalized swatch-by-swatch palette suitable for framing plus a matching shopping fan , color palette notes, a nature collage and a seasonal style direction guide.
An online service to help you discover your personal color harmony, and your seasonal connection to nature. After providing me with requested photos, completed questionnaire and participating in a 30 -minute zoom session you will receive a personalized swatch-by-swatch palette suitable for framing plus a matching shopping fan , color palette notes, a nature collage and a seasonal style direction guide.