Why Seasonal Color Analysis Doesn’t Work for Everybody
When Katy first started seeing posts on Social Media about Seasonal Color Analysis she was intrigued. As a former model, now mother of 4 littles, she felt she had always tended to follow fashion trends rather than have a solid understanding of the colors and styles that were the most becoming on her and now she was really interested to discover the best colors for herself and the right make-up colors as well.
She had purchased a virtual analysis online and shortly thereafter was also gifted another one with a different consultant, so she sent off the same photo of herself to both. Imagine her surprise when she was given 2 totally different results.
The Tradition of The Color Fabric Swatch Lab
Suzanne Caygill was the originator of the fabric color swatch lab used for Seasonal color analysis and there are a number of consultants who carry on her tradition, let me introduce you to a few of us.
One woman’s life-changing reconnection to her true self.
After another amazing in-depth color analysis session, I learned that I’m an “Iridescent Summer”- the sun washed colors of summer at the beach and sunset with a little shimmer thrown in. This immediately clicked with me and with everything I’ve gravitated toward since a child and before the disconnect of fashion influence.
“The Empowered Entrepreneur”: Empowered Through Seasonal Color & Style
Elizabeth is an amazing coach for entrepreneurs of all types but together we discovered that Elizabeth was missing a key “empowering” tool herself and that was the power of knowing her seasonal color & style — not just for branding one’s business, but for how one shows up in the world.
Help, I can’t find my colors at the Mall…
When you booked your color analysis you may have done so thinking it would make it easier to shop for clothing. But instead, you discovered that you have really seen yourself for the first time and now, when you look around the stores at the Mall, you cannot find yourself there at all.
What Kind of Clothes Shopper Are You?
Working with women on their color & style journey I have found myself in a lot of very different closets and I’m not talking about the physical space so much as seeing the contents of these closets. And what I have learned is there are basically 10 approaches women take when shopping for clothes. See if you recognize yourself in one or more of the these shopping personality types and then follow my advice tailor-made for you!
4 Ways To Create Visual Harmony Between Yourself And Your Clothing
Even if you can't name it, you know it when you see it. It stops you in your tracks. You see that photo, that woman at the next table or across the crowded room at a party and you find it hard to avert your gaze because, well, visual harmony attracts.
When Your Clothes Do All the Talking
You had every intention of letting people know that you were “in charge” or “relevant” or “approachable” or “trustworthy” or “credible” or “single and available” or “put together”…but your outfit, which you sort of grabbed at the last minute without giving it much thought, had a whole other story to tell. And our clothes speak louder than our words. Or at best, they can send out confusing signals if they don’t align with your intended message.
Are You A “Coastal Grandmother” Wanna Be?
There’s a new style trending on social media called, “coastal grandmother” a term that was coined by Tik Tok influencer Lex Nicoleta and refers to a relaxed, elevated way of living–the lifestyle exemplified by Diane Keaton in Something’s Gotta Give and Meryl Streep in It’s Complicated.
One Client’s Color Journey
So then the quest began in earnest, and I spent the next several years searching out and studying different color, personality, and energy systems to learn more. I believed that there was something to this concept; I had seen what a difference it could make physically in others.
Embrace What You’ve Been Given
When I meet with women it is a very rare find to come across one who is feeling quite good about what she’s been given — her inherent coloring, body signature, and personality. More often I am given the long list of complaints or the wish list. I used to wallow in those lists myself. Mine started with, “if only…”
How To Wear Your Hair Color
Whether it’s your natural color, a little enhanced, or you’re heading into silver fox territory, this advice on how to wear your hair color will serve you well. Learn more about how to wear your colors in my online course “Explore Your Seasonal Color Palette”
Winning Color Combinations: Triadic combos mean three’s a company
A triadic color scheme uses three colors that are evenly spaced around the color wheel. If you're trying to be precise, each color should have three spaces on the color wheel between them. A triadic color scheme could include red, blue and yellow. A more muted version might use pink instead of red.
Winning Combinations: Making Monochromatic Magic
A monochromatic outfit is made up of a combination of different shades or tints of the same color. We can find lots of inspiration in nature. Notice how unique each of these monochromatic examples of green, appear due to shades, shapes and textures. But each one is still harmonious within itself. Overall, a monochromatic color-combination is very subtle but if done well it doesn’t need to be boring.
Winning Combinations: Analogous colors live side by side.
Traditionally, an analogous color palette is comprised of three colors that are next to each other on the color wheel. But it could go up to four or five adjacent colors or as little as two neighboring shades.
Winning Color Combinations: It’s Totally Complementary
The beauty of having a Seasonal Color Consultation is that you never have to wonder about your best colors — you now have a gorgeous palette reflecting your personal color harmony and all the colors that best harmonize with you.
But learning how to combine your colors into winning combinations is a skill that takes some time to master. In this series, we’re going to look at some of the common color combinations and how you might use them to create more interest in your outfits.
We’ll begin with a complementary color scheme.
Dressing For Your Current Lifestyle
Building a wardrobe that is reflective of your current lifestyle is one more key to developing an authentic personal style.
Dressing Using Your Seasonal Line-of-Design
The Seasonal lines-of-design can be expressed in our choice of neckline, hemline, or even sleeve cuff.. They can be expressed through the type of jewelry we wear, the toe of a shoe, the shape of our handbag. They can also be expressed through the prints and patterns we choose in our clothing and accessories.
Do you consider your most-becoming design lines when you shop and as you put your outfits together? It’s a wonderful way to elevate your look to one that is visually harmonious with you!
Dressing Your Unique Body Signature
“The dress must follow the body of a woman, not the body following the shape of the dress.””
— Hubert de Givenchy
I’ve never met Hubert, but he and I are on the same page when it comes to dresses. For years I tried to fit myself into “the dress” and when it didn’t work out so pretty I beat myself up — what was wrong with me? My hips were too wide, my chest too flat, my tummy too full…if I could just lose 10 lbs then the dress would do it’s magic on me the same way it had on that woman in the catalogue.
But now I’m older and wiser and I know exactly what the problem is — it’s not me, it’s the dress!!